Psychological Assessments
For people suffering adverse emotional reactions as a consequence of life events.
A comprehensive psychological assessment gathers information from a variety of sources to evaluate an individual's overall psychological functioning. The goal of this type of evaluation is to investigate an individual's current emotional functioning, personality style and areas of concern to understand how these issues may be impacting their ability to function in everyday life, including work.
Individuals likely to benefit from this type of evaluation include those suffering emotional trauma relating to an accident or injury (e.g. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as a consequence of a motor vehicle accident), those having difficulty coping with chronic pain, and people experiencing stress, depression, anxiety or similar adverse emotional reaction as a consequence of life events.
A psychological assessment is usually scheduled over one day. During this evaluation, an individual would initially meet with Dr. Brown and/or Dr. Coffey for an interview. During this interview, the client will be asked a variety of questions regarding their social, psychological, and health history. If the reasons regarding this assessment revolve around a recent trauma, illness, or injury, he/she should be prepared to discuss how this injury/illness/trauma occurred and any problems experienced as a result. All of this information helps in completing an accurate assessment.
After the initial interview, the client will complete a variety of test instruments that further examine the individual's psychological functioning (e.g. mood and personality). These measures typically include questionnaires and symptom inventories and instruments that assess self-perception of disability, functional limitations, general health and pain concerns, and coping strategies. Cognitive tests, designed to assess thinking and memory skills, may be employed depending on the individual's complaints. An important aspect of this assessment is an evaluation of potential response biases, including tendencies to over-report or misrepresent concerns.
A psychological evaluation is an important first step in the diagnostic process and yields valuable information that can be used to guide the treatment process. Interview information and test findings are contained in a detailed psychological report, the content of which also includes a diagnostic formulation and recommendations for further treatment.
Questions that a Comprehensive Psychological Assessment can answer:
What is this person's current psychological status?
Does this individual's psychological difficulties meet the formal criteria for a diagnosable condition? If so, what is the aetiology of this diagnosed condition?
Does this individual have any functionally based limitations or restrictions secondary to their psychological difficulties?
What is the recommended treatment plan to address this individual's psychological difficulties?
Are there any environmental modifications that can be made to improve the individual's level of functioning?
With the provision of treatment, what is the prognosis for improvement of this person's psychological status?
What are the main barriers affecting this person's ability to make psychological improvements?
Are psychotropic medications negatively affecting this person's cognitive abilities?